Film Language Tag: process shot
A special effect that combines two or more images as a single shot, such as filming an actor in front of a projected background.
A New Discovery, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Another monolith is discovered buried on the moon's surface.
Dawn, 2001: A Space Odyssey
The sun rises over the earth and the moon.
Goldfinger Opening Title Sequence, Goldfinger
A list of opening credits side by side with moments from the film projected onto close-ups of a gold woman.
Hal Takes Control, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Hal cuts the life support of the Discovery's crew and refuses to let Dave back into the ship.
Lord of War Opening Title Sequence, Lord of War
After a direct address, a list of opening credits is superimposed on a montage of the life of a bullet... and the death of a child.
Opening Sequence, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Newly engaged John (Sidney Poitier) and Joanna (Catherine Houghton) arrive at Joanna's hometown in San Fransisco.
Saved by the Bang!, The Artist
Peppy arrives at George's just in time.
The End of the World, The Heart of the World
Anna discovers the heart of the world is dying and warns the public.
The Jupiter Room, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Dave encounters and re-encounters himself in a room, where the mysterious monolith facilitates his rebirth at the Star Child.
The Prater Wheel, The Third Man
Holly Martins (Joseph Cotten) meets Harry Lime (Orson Welles) at the Riesenrad Ferris Wheel. Lime threatens Martins and offers him a cut into his plan.
The Star Gate, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Dave finds another monolith orbiting Jupiter and is transported on an interstellar Journey.