2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Humanity finds a mysterious object buried beneath the lunar surface and sets off to find its origins with the help of HAL 9000, the world's most advanced super computer.
11 Kinolab Clips
The sun rises over the earth and the moon.
Duration: 00:01:23
Timestamp: 00:03:11
Contributor: Samuel Grad
The Monolith
A mysterious object inspires an early hominid to use the first tool.
Duration: 00:05:08
Timestamp: 00:11:47
Contributor: Samuel Grad
Mankind's Leap
Mankind makes the leap from bone clubs to space travel.
Duration: 00:01:49
Timestamp: 00:16:27
Contributor: Samuel Grad
A New Discovery
Another monolith is discovered buried on the moon's surface.
Duration: 00:05:24
Timestamp: 00:49:15
Contributor: Samuel Grad
The Discovery Mission
The Discovery One, a manned spaceship headed for Jupiter, has its crew—including a sentient computer—interviewed for national television.
Duration: 00:04:31
Timestamp: 00:59:21
Contributor: Samuel Grad
Dave's Evaluation
Hal asks Dave whether or not he sees the mission as strange or suspiscious, and admits to evaluating his psychology.
Duration: 00:03:02
Timestamp: 01:07:27
Contributor: Samuel Grad
Lip Reading
Hal watches as Dave and Frank discuss how they'll act if it is true that Hal made a mistake.
Duration: 00:03:02
Timestamp: 01:24:20
Contributor: Samuel Grad
Hal Takes Control
Hal cuts the life support of the Discovery's crew and refuses to let Dave back into the ship.
Duration: 00:04:20
Timestamp: 01:39:02
Contributor: Samuel Grad
Stop Dave
Dave manages to get back on the ship to shut down Hal, and discovers a message after doing so.
Duration: 00:05:01
Timestamp: 01:52:02
Contributor: Samuel Grad
The Star Gate
Dave finds another monolith orbiting Jupiter and is transported on an interstellar Journey.
Duration: 00:02:22
Timestamp: 02:01:26
Contributor: Samuel Grad
The Jupiter Room
Dave encounters and re-encounters himself in a room, where the mysterious monolith facilitates his rebirth at the Star Child.
Duration: 00:05:47
Timestamp: 02:14:43
Contributor: Samuel Grad