Hawaii Five-O
Hawaii Five-O is an American police procedural drama series produced by CBS Productions and Leonard Freeman. Set in Hawaii, the show originally aired for 12 seasons from 1968 to 1980, and continues in reruns. Jack Lord portrayed Detective Lieutenant Steve McGarrett, the head of a special state police task force which was based on an actual unit that existed under martial law in the 1940s. The theme music composed by Morton Stevens became especially popular. Many episodes would end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to "Book 'em, Danno!", sometimes specifying a charge such as "murder one".
6 Kinolab Clips
Season 5
Episode 1: "Death Is A Company Policy"
The Five-O Team Reviews Documents
Attempting to find a mole in the unit who is working for a crime boss, The Hawaii Five-O team reviews documents on each of the team's members in order to find a clue on the mole's identity.
Duration: 00:02:01
Timestamp: 00:14:52
Contributor: Alexana DuboisManoa Flirts With Miss Simpson
Crime boss Piro Manoa (Michael Ansara) flirts with his assistant, Miss Simpson (Laraine Stephens), who rejects him.
Duration: 00:01:34
Timestamp: 00:26:31
Contributor: Alexana DuboisFive-O Captures the Mole
The Five-O team discovers the identity of the mole, leading to a shootout.
Duration: 00:03:09
Timestamp: 00:46:21
Contributor: Alexana DuboisEpisode 5: "The Jinn Who Clears The Way"
Wo Fat Is Ambushed
Wo Fat (Khigh Dhiegh) is ambushed at Mr. Wong’s funeral and realizes that Tommy (Soon-Tek Oh) betrayed him
Duration: 00:02:14
Contributor: Nicholas ThurberWo Fat Persuades Tommy
Wo Fat (Khigh Dhiegh) convinces Tommy (Soon-Tek Oh) to join his side following the deaths of his father and brother
Duration: 00:01:08
Timestamp: 00:29:51
Contributor: Nicholas ThurberThe Truth Is Revealed to Tommy
The police bring in Tommy Wong (Soon-Tek Oh), informing him that his father's and brother's deaths were not accidents but rather murders
Duration: 00:05:15
Timestamp: 00:36:37
Contributor: Nicholas Thurber