Brooklyn Nine-Nine
A single-camera ensemble comedy following the lives of an eclectic group of detectives in a New York precinct, including one slacker who is forced to shape up when he gets a new boss.
3 Kinolab Clips
Season 5
Episode 10: "Game Night"
Rosa Comes Out
Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) comes out to her parents (Danny Trejo, Olga Merediz) after having Jake (Andy Samberg) pose as her boyfriend.
Duration: 00:10:41
Contributor: Leing CuiRosa Comes Out
Detective Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz) comes out as bisexual in front of her colleagues at the Nine-nine. She answers their brief questions in one minute.
Duration: 00:19:57
Timestamp: 00:01:43
Contributor: Leing Cui"Wedding"
On Rosa's family game night, Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz), Jake (Andy Samberg), Rosa's mother Julia Diaz (Olga Merediz) and Rosa's father (Danny Trejo) are playing draw and guess. Rosa is trying to use this opportunity to convince her parents that her sexual orientation as bisexual is serious and hoping them to accept her for who she is.
Duration: 00:05:21
Timestamp: 00:16:20
Contributor: Leing Cui