Pretty Little Liars
Based on the Pretty Little Liars series of young adult novels by Sara Shepard, the series follows the lives of four girls — Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily — whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their queen bee, Alison. One year later, they begin receiving messages from someone using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets — including long-hidden ones they thought only Alison knew.
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Season 1
Episode 1: "Pilot"
Opening Sequence
Friends Spencer (Troian Bellisario), Hanna (Ashley Benson), Aria (Lucy Hale), Emily (Shay Mitchell), and Alison (Sasha Pieterse) enjoy a secluded getaway in a small cabin before discovering that Alison has disappeared.
Duration: 00:02:02
Contributor: Nathan D'AgostinoAria Meets Ezra
Aria (Lucy Hale) meets Ezra (Ian Harding) at Hollis Bar and Grill, where they bond over writing and English literature.
Duration: 00:02:24
Timestamp: 00:04:29
Contributor: Nathan D'AgostinoAlison's Funeral
The community widely gathers to pay their last respects to Alison (Sasha Pieterse). The main four girls regroup (Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale, Shay Mitchell) and receive a text from A.
Duration: 00:06:43
Timestamp: 00:37:22
Contributor: Nathan D'Agostino