The Lego Movie (2014)
An ordinary Lego mini-figure, mistakenly thought to be the extraordinary MasterBuilder, is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil Lego tyrant from gluing the universe together.
5 Kinolab Clips
Welcome to Bricksburg
Emmet (Chris Pratt) wakes up and follows his instructions to have another wonderful day in Bricksburg.
Duration: 00:04:04
Timestamp: 00:02:30
Contributor: Allison Kuck
The Kragle
Lord Business (Will Ferrell) shows Bad Cop (Liam Neeson) how the Kragle works by demonstrating on Bad Cop's parents.
Duration: 00:04:40
Timestamp: 00:22:25
Contributor: Allison Kuck
The Man Upstairs
The Man Upstairs (Will Ferrell) is upset that his son, Finn (Jadon Sand), has been playing with his Lego city.
Duration: 00:06:48
Timestamp: 01:17:19
Contributor: Allison Kuck
You Don't Have to Be the Bad Guy
The Man Upstairs (Will Ferrell) forgives Finn (Jadon Sand) for playing with his Legos while Emmet (Chris Pratt) convinces Lord Business (Will Ferrell) to put the piece of resistance on the Kragle.
Duration: 00:04:25
Timestamp: 01:26:54
Contributor: Allison Kuck
Finn (Jadon Sand) and his dad (Will Ferrell) clean up the super glue as the citizens of Bricksburg recover.
Duration: 00:00:55
Timestamp: 01:32:07
Contributor: Allison Kuck