Films Clips (4)
"Rose Tint My World", The Rocky Horror Picture Show
After being frozen by Dr. Frank N. Turner (Tim Curry), Columbia (Nell Campbell), Rocky (Peter Hinwood), Brad (Barry Bostwick), and Janet (Susan Sarandon) reflect on their experiences by singing "Rose Tint My World."
Janet Sings "Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-Me", The Rocky Horror Picture Show
After witnessing Brad (Barry Bostwick) being intimate with Dr. Frank N. Furter (Tim Curry), Janet (Susan Sarandon) seduces Rocky (Peter Hinwood) by singing "Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me."
Dr. Frank N. Furter Sings "Sweet Transvestite", The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Couple Brad (Barry Bostwick) and Janet (Susan Sarandon) meet Dr. Frank N. Furter (Tim Curry) who sings "Sweet Transvestite."
Opening Credits , The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The opening credits of the film feature a floating mouth singing "Science Fiction/Double Feature."
Series Clips (0)