Films Clips (8)
You Can't Be Dead, The Matrix
Trinity tells Neo's body her prophecy from the Oracle and urges him to wake up.
Welcome to the Desert of the Real, The Matrix
Morpheus reveals to Neo the truth behind the Matrix.
Warner Bros Lot and Logo, The Matrix
Opening credits, including studio and production company information.
One Little Girl, The Matrix
Trinity battles policemen and agents as she attempts to flee the Matrix
Kansas is Going Bye-Bye, The Matrix
The Matrix threatens to consume Neo as Morpheus and his team seek to pinpoint his real location.
Freeze!, The Matrix
Morpheus demonstrates to Neo the dangers of becoming distracted inside the Matrix.
Follow the White Rabbit, The Matrix
Neo sells black market digital goods to Choi, and then joins him and Dujour for a night out.
Find Yourself Another Job, The Matrix
Neo is castigated by his boss, Rhineheart, for arriving late to his job at Metacortex.
Series Clips (0)