Film Language Tag: semidiegetic sequence

An ambiguous moment of transition that seems to exist between the diegetic and the nondiegetic. Often a moment “of revelation, of symbolism, and of emotional engagement within the film and without.” For more clarification, see Robynn Stillwell on the "fantastical gap." Kinolab's definition has been distilled from these sources: 1.)David Neumeyer. “Diegetic/Nondiegetic: A Theoretical Model.” Music and the Moving Image, vol. 2, no. 1, 2009, pp. 26–39. JSTOR, Accessed 23 July 2024. 2.)Stilwell, Robynn. "The Fantastical Gap between Diegetic and Nondiegetic." Beyond the Soundtrack: Representing Music in Cinema, edited by Daniel Goldmark, Lawrence Kramer, and Richard Leppert, University of California Press, 2007, 187-202.

Films (38)
Series (0)